Goodbye 2020! Thank You, Next!

While just about everyone cannot wait to put this crazy, eventful year behind us, it’s a perfect time to look ahead to 2021 with renewed optimism. We can all use this fresh start to reflect back on our coping strategies of the past 12 months and determine if they have become lifestyle habits that we do or do NOT want hitching a ride with us into the new year.

Maybe some changes that 2020 forced on us really worked for you. These are the ones to carry forward and do more of.

For me, it was the simple things that made the biggest impact.

● Innovators and mentors offering virtual learning for the first time! Suddenly I have sought after leaders in my field accessible through my laptop at my kitchen table instead of having to fly out to see them only every few years.
● The dawn of Zoom movement classes! Although nothing beats in-person class, there are no excuses to not show up when all you have to do is roll out of bed and click the link.
● Remote school and a pause from crazy kids sports schedules! Having time (outside of the car!) to connect with family, go on hikes, sharing my love of mountain biking with my youngest two, playing together, none of this would have been possible following the same day to day routine we had pre-pandemic.

These are some of the things that have inspired me with renewed energy and optimism that I hope to bring with me into 2021.


We have been working diligently on creating a new, more interactive website that will be launching soon. It will have a special, free patients only section with videos of home exercises we often prescribe, short videos on different topics that can deepen your understanding of our practice and treatment programs and health tips you can use to elevate your health and strengthen your resolve for the coming year.

There will also be a subscription based or a la carte on-demand movement class section focusing on our unique blend of Pilates Rehabilitation and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) that will greatly enhance your chiropractic care program, get you moving and breathing better, and help you to experience the instinctual patterns of creative, connected movement conveniently from your home.

Looking forward to continue helping you achieve your health goals for 2021!

– Dr. Kerri Nelson, DC, CCSP

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